Importance of a Business Savings Account – 29/04/2022

Accounts Navigator

Smart businesses maintain a savings account as a part of the business holdings – the world of business is an unpredictable one, so it is inevitable that all businesses will have periods of difficult sales and little cash.

Being able to tap into business savings to pay for unexpected expenses that could be detrimental to your business could save you from having to use limited cash reserves. In difficult economies, your company still has the opportunity to grow if you have set aside resources and finances to survive and grow. Opening a savings account sooner rather than later will put your business in a better financial position – one that is better prepared for the future.



Knowing how to take control of your business finances to maximise profits can be difficult, especially with the current climate. Knowing the common mistakes to avoid can be difficult and can leave you feeling unsure.

Our Director Andrea L Richards has written her E-Book on the most common mistakes made by businesses and has provided expert advice on how to overcome them. 

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